
Doom Wolf
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Dance Wildfire

Dance Wildfire

Enter a world where Monsters, Magic and Mystery permeate through everyday life.

On the edge of Civilisation, Ulmar the Doomwolf is held locked from the world in the shimmering tower, the Gateway to the wild north of the Lumbrian Borderlands. This while his companion Aldred the Apprentice Wizard fights for this life, his mind, his very soul as the long dead mage Irogar claws his inner being. If the Towerlords of Valeria do not heed the warning, the hills of the True Folk will surely be bathed in fire.

Dance Wildfire is the sequel to Doomwolf, the second book in the epic tale of barbarian warrior Ulmar the Doomwolf and the wizard's Apprentice Aldred Brynnd Tollemack